See what's on in 2019/20

You can now view and download the GM Healthcare Academy training programme for 2019/20.

We have a very exciting agenda lined up for 2019/20, with a vast range of training events and workshops for community pharmacy contractors, pharmacists and pharmacy team members.

Events are planned right across Greater Manchester on topics including service delivery support, clinical knowledge/skills, business support, public health campaigns, Quality Payments, developments in community pharmacy in Greater Manchester, Healthy Living Pharmacy, and collaborative working.

Sessions are free to attend and open to all Greater Manchester pharmacy teams, unless otherwise specified. Most events will include some training and resources to help you deliver the six mandatory public health campaigns agreed by Greater Manchester NHS England commissioners.

Our first events in January include inhaler technique training on 16th January for pharmacists providing the Greater Manchester inhaler service, and sessions specifically for pharmacy teams in Stockport and Salford, so you’re fully briefed on key local developments: active signposting in Stockport; the new transfer of care service and care navigation in Salford.

We also have a webinar on the Oriel process for recruiting pre-registration pharmacists, which is planned for 10th January.

Then in February, we have a briefing on the changing landscape for commissioning local pharmacy services and community pharmacy’s value and role in Greater Manchester - there are very exciting developments here that your LPCs have been working on for some time, so we would strongly recommend attending this session.

February also includes training on emergency hormonal contraception (EHC) and March’s mandatory cervical cancer awareness health campaign.

Download our full training programme for 2019/20 and look out for more information and booking links in due course.