Patients benefit from new HLP Health Champions

Patients across Greater Manchester will benefit from even greater access to Healthy Living Pharmacy advice and support, thanks to our free HLP Health Champions training.

The two-day courses on 6th and 7th December, and 31st January and 1st February, equipped attendees with the nationally-recognised Royal Society for Public Health Understanding Health Improvement qualification that is required to work as a pharmacy Health Champion.

We plan to run more training later this year to help staff already working as Health Champions or HLP leaders to further enhance their knowledge and skills. Look out for more details in due course. 
Feedback from the courses held in December and January was extremely positive with all respondents' comments highlighting that they had found it be very useful and enjoyable, and that the trainer had been excellent.

Jane did an amazing job in explaining in detail the Healthy Living Champion Role and the benefits for our community and empowered me to make a real difference.

You can read a one page summary of each of the events here:

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