The University of Manchester are looking for Health Champions to interview as part of their research into asset-based approaches to health and well-being.
Patients benefit from new HLP Health Champions
Managing eye conditions in community pharmacy: Webinar (30th October)
Register now for our GM Healthcare Academy webinar on managing eye conditions in community pharmacy at 7.30pm on Tuesday 30th October.
The webinar will cover topics including assessment of eye conditions that may present in community pharmacies, appropriate management (e.g. self-care/referral), and recognising red flags. It will also look at collaborative working and cross-referrals between opticians and pharmacies.
We have two fantastic guest speakers: Prof Christine Purslow, Medical Director at Thea Pharmaceuticals Ltd, and Matt Jinkinson, Chair of the Optometry Advisory Group at Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership (GMHSCP) and Clinical Lead of Primary Eyecare Services Ltd. Book now.