Introducing the Health and Wellbeing Programme Manager
Dominic Anderson is the Health and Wellbeing Programme Manager for Primary Care Excellence and your key contact should you need any information about health and wellbeing. The programme is in place to support all staff working in primary care across Greater Manchester working in optometry, dental services, primary care and general practice. He is in post full-time initially until April 2022 to develop and support a range of initiatives to support workforce health and wellbeing, testing ways to support you based on your feedback and creating networks of support and learning.
Temperature Check Survey
Please see a link to a very short Wellbeing Temperature Check to gather your feedback and inform the development of the programme based on your needs.
The survey will be open until 8th November.
Health and Wellbeing Champions
This training opportunity is to support the development of ‘Health and Wellbeing Champions’ across Primary Care in Greater Manchester. The role of the champion will be very much defined by the individuals who come forward and the needs and priorities identified by the workplaces of those individuals, with ongoing support from the programme. Initial training dates will be in November. Dates to be confirmed.
Click here to register your interest:
For more information or to provide any feedback contact