Covid-19 Community Pharmacy Webinars

The GM Healthcare Academy hosted a series of Covid-19 Community Pharmacy Webinars from Wednesday 13th May to Wednesday 15th July

Together with our Academy training partner Pharmacy Complete,  we have run regular Covid-19 update webinars for all our contractors, community pharmacists and their teams across Greater Manchester.

We provided national and local GM updates to ensure you could keep up to date on the latest developments This was to ensure you could quickly have access to all the latest information in one place, to know where to find out more and to understand the impact on you.

We will use the questions and points of concern raised during the live events to raise with local commissioners and feedback to PSNC as appropriate. 

All our webinars are available to watch on demand via the links below:

​Wednesday 15th July -

Wednesday 1st July - 

Wednesday 13th May -

Wednesday 27th May -

If you have watched one please complete this short feedback form.