Take your pharmacy from zero to 10 with our NMS training

Booking is now open for our next NMS training event on Wednesday 3rd April (6.30pm-9.30pm). We got fantastic feedback from participants who attended our previous session, including one pharmacy that went from zero consultations to up to 10 a month. Read their story here:

“How NMS training took our pharmacy from zero to 10”

Shaheen Chaudry, Pharmacist at DocPharma, a distance-selling pharmacy in Manchester

We’ve totally transformed the way we work since attending GM Healthcare Academy’s NMS training in 2018, with massive benefits for us and our patients. As a distance-selling pharmacy, we weren’t sure if we could provide NMS consultations because our patients don’t come in to see us. A lot of our patients are housebound or can’t get to a pharmacy, which is why they use us, so we were worried that vulnerable patients were missing out on important support with their medicine.

The NMS training was great because it explained how to provide the service, even if your patients aren’t onsite, and we got loads of advice and tools to help us build NMS consultations into our daily practice. The session included role play so we could practise conversations with patients and we got really good resources to help us organise the work and make sure we know which patients we need to contact when.

We’re now doing up to 10 NMS consultations a month, compared with none beforehand. The whole team is involved and we’ve got a really good system in place, using the tools from the training session.

It’s been brilliant for our patients because we’re able to pick up any problems that patients are having with their medicines much more quickly, and help them with it. Patients really value it and it’s great for us too because we feel appreciated and we’re being compensated for work that, in many cases, we were doing anyway – we used to phone people to see how they were getting on but it wasn’t a formal consultation and we weren’t claiming for it.

Pharmacies that aren’t offering NMS consultations to eligible patients are really missing out. It’s not as complex as you might think. The GM Healthcare Academy training really helped us understand how to deliver it well and build it into our daily practice. I’d really recommend the NMS course to anyone.

Get the same benefits in your pharmacy by booking onto our next NMS training event:

Wednesday 3rd April
Red Hall Hotel, Manchester Road, Walmersley, Bury, BL9 5NA
Book now at https://bit.ly/2tYc22i

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