GM Healthcare Academy have arranged a training event - Making the most of pharmacy services consultations skills awareness and support around learning disabilities, which will be held on Wednesday 13th March at The Victoria Hotel in Oldham.
The aim of this session is to support you to engage actively with people with a learning disability and their carers, just as you would for any other patient.
The session will cover person-centred consultation skills that meet the needs of people with a learning disability and how to appropriately involve carers and gain consent during a consultation.
Following on from this session, the evening will continue with a clinical session on Bowel Cancer. The public health campaign for April is Bowel Cancer. The GM Healthcare Academy have therefore developed an educational session on Bowel Cancer and screening to ensure our community pharmacies have the knowledge base to provide guidance and sign posting to patients whilst delivering this campaign. There will also be 'takeaway' resources for pharmacies to utilise.
Whether this training is new or a refresher, its a great opportunity for Pharmacists and their wider Pharmacy teams. We would particularly encourage the attendance of HLP Leaders and Champions to engage in this training.
To book please click here