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PM Academy Webinar Series: Leadership and Management | Developing and delivering advanced care clinics in primary care


Leadership and Management  -  PM Consultancy Trainer

In this session we will discuss with the differences between leadership & management e.g. when is it important to manage in your current role and when is it important to lead, what opportunities are there for demonstrating leadership, why are both important for your role?

Developing and delivering advanced care clinics in primary care - Surinder Kumar, Senior Clinical Pharmacist, Dawley Medical Practice

The last 3-4 years has seen the role of Clinical Pharmacists expand in general practice. Across the country clinical pharmacists have successfully become integrated in the primary care teams in general practice undertaking a variety of roles including chronic disease management. Clinical pharmacists have unique skills that have yet to be fully utilised and there may be opportunities out there to set-up an advanced care clinic. This presentation will provide you with tips on how to set-up your own Advanced Care Clinic. 

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This webinar is sponsored by Besins Healthcare who have had no input into the design or content of the webinar.