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Common Skin Conditions in the Pre-school Child


Thornton & Ross would like to invite you to attend a virtual speaker meeting with Nicola Cottom.

This meeting will be held via Microsoft Teams. The meeting will contain promotional content. The views expressed are those of the speaker.

Learning objectives

  • Enable recognition of some of the common childhood conditions which affect the skin

  • How to effectively manage these conditions

Presenter: Nicola Cottom RGN, RSCN, RHV, BSc (Hons) in Public Health Nursing, Nurse Prescriber, Queen’s Nurse, Community Dermatology Specialist Nurse.

Nicola currently leads the Tier 2 Community Dermatology Team at Wrightington, Wigan & Leigh NHS Trust, who provide clinics for both children and adults with eczema and psoriasis. The team utilises an educational approach with patients and professionals, which has earned them the British Journal of Nursing ‘Dermatology Nursing Award’. The team also provide professional education sessions and have developed successful management tools for eczema and psoriasis. Nicola was awarded the ‘Innovation and Leadership Award’ from the Queen’s Nursing Institute and National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) funding to undertake a pilot of an innovation intended to improve the management of Childhood Eczema at the point of diagnosis. Nicola has set up successful Health Visitor led eczema clinics and since been awarded the Queen’s Nurse Title for her contribution to improving Primary Care Dermatology . She won ‘Best Oral Presentation’ at the British Dermatological Nursing Group (BDNG) annual awards and is a member of the BDNG, UK Clinical Dermatology Trials Network and the Society for Academic Primary Care Skin Specialist Group.

Please click here to reserve your place at this event.

For any questions please contact Tracey Tunnicliffe (Meeting Lead) on or 07917 193 708