AstraZeneca is holding a virtual webinar on optimising Asthma management and inhaler techniques & devices.
Dr Vincent Mak:
Consultant in Respiratory Integrated Care at Imperial College Healthcare Trust. He was a Consultant in Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine and Clinical Director for Emergency Services for North West London Hospitals Trust from 1994 to 2013. He was also the Clinical Director of the Outer NWL Integrated Care Program, and then the Whole Systems Integrated Care. He was a core member of the NHS London Respiratory Team and Clinical Network from 2010-2016.
He also chairs the NHS London Procurement Partnership Responsible Respiratory Prescribing and Value in Healthcare workstream. He is the NW London Regional Advisor for the Royal College of Physicians and is a member of the Primary Care Respiratory Society Executive Committee.
Djeyapraba Kadar :
Respiratory Clinical Pharmacist, Liverpool Heart & Chest Hospital
This is an AstraZeneca promotional meeting.
The content of this meeting is intended for the following roles only:
General Practitioners, Hospital Doctors, Nurses, Healthcare Assistants,
Pharmacists, Payers/Commissioners,
and Other relevant HCPs and decision makers
The content for this meeting is non transferable to any other roles, and is intended for the recipient only. The zoom link can only be accessed by one person at any one time.