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Fontus National Dermatology Webinars - Dermatoscopy Session 1


An Introduction to Dermatoscopy. Why This is an Essential Tool for Primary Care

Session 1 Wednesday 28th April; 19:30 – 21:00hrs

Session 2 Thursday 6th May; 19:30 – 21:00hrs

Session 3 Wednesday 12th May; 19:30 – 21:00hrs

Session 4 Thursday 20th May; 19:30 – 21:00hrs

A Cochrane Review in 20181 reviewed the outcome of over 23,000 ‘suspicious lesions’ and concluded that dermatoscopy is a valuable tool in supporting visual inspection and that clinician training is essential to its success. I believe a dermatoscope is more useful in primary care than an auroscope, ophthalmoscope, or even a stethoscope! It can enable confident discrimination between innocent and malignant skin lesions, thereby avoiding unnecessary anxiety for the patient, wasting public money on unnecessary referrals and overburdening secondary care.

This series of four talks is an introduction to dermatoscopy in primary care.

Although these are four separate sessions, in order to achieve maximum benefit, it is advisable that all four are attended.

For more details please see the flyer.

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