Wednesday 17th February from 19:30-21:00
Skin Diseases during the COVID-19 Pandemic - an Overview
Guest Speaker Dr George Moncrieff FRCP FRCGP
Past Chair of The Dermatology Council for England, a GPwSI in dermatology
as well as a tutor at the University of Oxford and Primary Care Advisor to the
National Eczema Society.
Skin Diseases during the COVID-19 Pandemic
COVID-19 presents many challenges for the skin including those related to contracting the condition as well as the effects of those measures that we take to protect ourselves such as PPE and the need to wash our hands excessively.
How to successfully manage these problems will be discussed.
Is the skin a portal for entry of the virus and, if so, what precautions should we consider to keep safe?
The various skin changes that have been described with COVID-19 will be reviewed and, where relevant, discuss what they tell us about the patient’s illness and outlook, along with advice on how to manage them.
Finally, reflect on any implications regarding the drugs used to treat skin diseases in the context of COVID-19 as well as the benefits and problems of remote consulting of patients with skin conditions and sharing thoughts on where this works best.
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