Presenter: Khalid Khan, Training Programme Director for Pre-Reg (North West), Health Education England
Oriel is the national recruitment platform pharmacies can use to recruit pre-reg trainees to start in summer 2020, instead of recruiting independently. This webinar will explain how the Oriel system works, why pharmacy students might use Oriel to find their placement, and the pros/cons for pharmacy employers compared with direct recruitment. It will help you make an informed choice about whether to recruit through Oriel for 2020/21, making sure you have time to register yourself with Oriel before the deadline of 1st March 2019.
About the presenter:
In addition to his role as HEE’s pre-reg Training Programme Director for the North West, Khalid also supports community pharmacies across the north of England and is pre-reg training lead for Imaan Healthcare.
The webinar will:
Explain what Oriel is so community pharmacies understand why students might choose to find a placement through it
Explain how it differs from recruiting trainees independently – pros and cons for pharmacies
Explain how pharmacies register to recruit pre-reg trainees via Oriel
Explain how to write a strong submission so your pharmacy is attractive to trainees & any other tips on marketing
Explain the preference/ranking system & how pre-reg trainees are matched to their placements
Cover any risks / potential downsides for pharmacies, compared with direct recruitment – and how to mitigate against them (e.g. what happens if no trainees select your pharmacy)
Explain where pharmacies can get more information
Questions & answers
Learning objectives / outcomes
Pharmacy contractors/employers will understand the areas covered in the webinar
Pharmacy contractors/employers will be able to make an informed choice about whether to recruit via Oriel
Those pharmacy contactors/employers that want to recruit via Oriel will understand the application process and deadlines and know how to prepare a strong submission so their pharmacy is attractive to trainees
Join us at 7.30pm on Monday 11th February: register at